Sealcoating is an important process in the maintenance of your all-too-expensive parking lots. We all know that the costs of paving repairs have increased. This makes it all the more important to protect and preserve your asphalt surface. Calvac Paving has been applying sealcoats for over 45 years, longer than most Bay Area Suppliers have been making asphalt-based sealcoats. Each successive generation of sealcoats has provided greater protection from premature wear, moisture intrusion and oxidation. Even with these improvements we strongly recommend the addition of latex and sometimes sand to the existing asphalt sealcoats to extend the life expectancy of these applications. It is also vital for you to have your contractor apply two coats of sealcoat to your property. The first coat, with the added sand and latex, is the filler coat and allows placement of a second coat with added latex only or wear coat. Preparation of the existing asphalt surface is a very important process in sealcoating your parking lot.
Calvac Paving will spend the time necessary to clean and prepare your asphalt to ensure a durable and attractive product. We will remove all vegetation, and apply herbicide if appropriate. We will use Power blowers, scrapers, wire brushes, and brooms to thoroughly clean the existing asphalt.
This preparation may also include Mobile Sweepers, water trucks or buggies, and vacuum trucks. We will burn, scrape, and carefully clean the oil spots and apply an oil spot sealer with sand. We will mask utility covers and other structures to protect against coverage. We will apply hot rubberized or cold-pour emulsion crack filler as directed. The consistency of the asphalt sealer is also very important to the durability of your sealcoat project.
Calvac Paving will never exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations for dilution. This addition of water is necessary for the application and actually improves the bonding to the existing asphalt surface. We feel the addition of latex and sand to the asphalt sealer extends the life of the sealer, and we include these admixtures in well over 90% of our sealcoat projects. By extending the life of your sealcoat surface with added latex, you reduce the number of times you will need to seal coat and stripe your lot as well as impose upon your tenants over the life of the asphalt. The combination of effective barricading and traffic control with superior craftsmanship and products will provide you with the best result with the least impact on you and your tenants.
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