Topic: Asphalt & Concrete

Maintenance Monday: 7 Tips for Maintaining Pavement in the Bay Area

San Jose Asphalt and concrete commercial asphalt road

Maintenance Monday: Maintaining Pavement in the Bay Area

7 Tips for Maintaining Pavement in the Bay Area

San Jose Asphalt and concrete commercial asphalt road

Pavement is an integral piece of our day-to-day infrastructure and movement in the Bay Area – although it may not be something most of us think about on a daily basis. In fact, you know pavement has been well-laid and well-maintained when it is hardly noticed at all! Smooth surfaces, little-to-no cracks, and a sidewalk or parking lot void of vegetation allows you to get from your point A to point B in the Bay Area without a second thought. 

It is when pavement has not been maintained well, however, that it is noticed. A jolt from driving over a pothole in a parking lot, a trip over uneven pavement and its cracks, or an unexpected step in pooling water brings poorly cared for pavement to our attention, and they are clear indicators that pavement needs some attention. It is best for everyone to avoid scenarios such as these altogether! Let’s take a look at seven ways concrete companies and asphalt companies in the Bay Area maintain pavement and help you avoid the need for major rehabilitation over time.  

1 – Sealcoating

One of the surest ways to extend the life of your pavement is to apply a sealcoat. Typically, this should be done within thirty to ninety days after pavement installation. To be truly effective in ensuring pavement longevity, sealcoating should be done again every two to three years. Not only does sealcoating protect the surface of the pavement from UV rays, water penetration, and other environmental factors common to the Bay Area, but it can extend the life of your pavement up to 20 years! These protective factors, along with improving the appearance of your pavement, makes regular sealcoating a worthy investment of your time and resources. 

2 – Crack Sealing

Any cracks in your pavement should be promptly addressed to prevent water infiltration, which can cause damage as weather shifts from warm to cold and back. We normally crack-seal the same day we apply sealer. This is almost universally performed from spring through early fall. This allows the sealant to more easily penetrate the cracks in the pavement. 

Although crack sealing may be a more expensive maintenance action for you as the pavement owner, this is outweighed by the value of an extended pavement life expectancy. Crack sealing may last for up to five years or more, preventing the formation of potholes and extending the life of your pavement. 

3 – Pothole Repairs

If potholes do form in your pavement, they should be quickly addressed to prevent their expansion and the occurrence of more significant damage. Asphalt and pavement companies would recommend using the best materials and techniques to result in longer-lasting and more durable pothole repairs. 

4 – Proper Drainage

Proper drainage is crucial to ensuring the extended life of your pavement. The drainage of your pavement should be such that it prevents water from pooling. This means that correct grading and drainage systems are crucial upon installation. Should you notice drainage issues with your pavement, it is recommended to consult with a trusted asphalt and paving company on how to best implement repair and quickly avoid any water-related damages. 

5 – Vegetation Control & Routine Cleaning

A simple and cost-effective means for maintaining the life of your pavement is to consistently inspect and promptly remove any vegetation that may pop up through the cracks in your pavement. In a moisture-prone climate such as the Bay Area, the appearance of vegetation between cracks in pavement is inevitable. The simple and essential means of vegetation-maintenance will help you avoid potential damage which vegetation can cause in your pavement. In the same way, routine cleaning by sweeping away dirt, debris and leaves will help sustain both the integrity and look of your pavement over time. 

6 – Professional Inspections

In order to extend the life of your pavement, it would be to your advantage to hire a professional pavement company to take an in-depth look at the condition of your pavement every few years. The expert eyes of a trusted company will be able to take an assessment of the state of your pavement and provide you with professional recommendations for any repairs or maintenance required. 

7 – Responsive Repairs

One of the most important things you can do to protect and maintain your pavement is to immediately address any small issues or damage that may arise. By doing this on a regular basis, you will avoid small issues snowballing into larger, more expensive repairs down the road. 

At Calvac Paving, we complete each job with our high-quality materials and equipment to ensure the longevity of your paving in the Bay Area. When you work with us for your paving needs, you can trust that the end result will be reliable, long-lasting, and visually pleasing for years to come. Contact us today!

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Bay Area Asphalt & Concrete

Calvac Paving San Jose workers

Bay Area Asphalt & Concrete

Calvac Paving asphalt paver equipment in San Jose

Since 1974, Calvac Paving has taken great pride in serving the Bay Area Asphalt & Concrete construction needs.

For nearly fifty years, Calvac Paving has been the Bay Area asphalt and concrete paving contractor that California state and federal agencies, private construction firms, and individual property owners trust to deliver quality concrete paving and Bay Area asphalt cement for every application from tollways to driveways.

Consistently ensuring the highest possible quality and best results for clients means keeping pace with the latest innovations in Bay Area asphalt paving and concrete technology and techniques. Calvac Paving’s dedicated and knowledgeable paving professionals have amassed considerable experience in everything from new construction to refurbishment and repair of old, worn paving such as sidewalks, parking lots, roadways and more. While many paving companies focus solely on one kind of paving, Calvac Paving can boast extensive experience with asphalt, concrete and earthwork, from initial grading to final striping. 

“Excellent Service. Very Knowledgeable With Work Needed And Easy To Communicate Ideas Or Alternate Solutions. The Field Estimator And Project Manager Handled Everything With A Minimum Of Time Reviewing The Scope Of Work, And The Front Office Handled All District Paperwork On A Professional Level.” 

Among the services Calvac Paving offers to the public are:

In addition to these services, Calvac Paving takes its obligations to the environment we all share very seriously. 

We use the latest green and eco-friendly policies and practices at every stage of construction from the project’s start to the final cleanup and disposal of waste products at the end.  Most business owners would agree that taking steps to be a greener business is a win-win for everyone.

“Green” Paving?

While this phrase may sound oxymoronic, asphalt pavement has consistently been reported as the most frequently recycled material in the nation since 1993. Continuous improvements in recycling technology and paving practices and techniques that permit for more adaptive uses of existing paving materials have fueled this recycling boom with regards to asphalt and, to a lesser degree, concrete. Purely virgin asphalt concrete, also known as “hot-mix,” is relatively rare today because of the numerous advantages of recycling asphalt in place. However, many old-school pavers often still refer to “warm-mix,” discussed below, as “hot-mix” regardless of this designation’s true accuracy.

“Overall terrific experience. Responsive, engaged and high quality work. I would definitely recommend Calvac to others.” 

Most asphalt you see on the road today consists of rocks, also called aggregates, sand, binder material, and additives such as shredded rubber tires, pig manure, cigarette butts, and metal slag, to name a few. These additives are re-purposed and treated in such a way as to make them a cohesive part of the overall mix and increase a Bay Area asphalt and cement mix’s performance. This transforms relatively useless or even outright hazardous materials into reasonably safe and effective filler materials for asphalt mixes. However, the most common fillers are recycled asphalt paving and asphalt shingles. Using these materials in “warm-mix” asphalt paving sharply decreases the amount of virgin oil binder needed to create a safe driving surface with proper internal cohesion and compactive properties. According to the National Asphalt Paving Association, in the 2013 construction season alone nearly 68 million tons of recycled asphalt and almost 2 million tons of asphalt shingles were used as recyclables, at a savings to taxpayers of around $2 billion. The use of recyclables has increased 21% since 2009 and represents over 99% of all in situ, or existing, asphalt paving and concrete being recycled and re-purposed instead of ending up in landfills.

Calvac Paving is proud to be part of an industry that is able to recycle and reuse apparent waste materials so efficiently and effectively in concrete and asphalt paving. 

As your Bay Area concrete and asphalt pavement provider, Calvac Paving takes a deep interest in ongoing advances in procedures and techniques that allow for new ways to re-purpose existing pavement, whether it is asphalt, concrete, or something else.

 The Future Of Asphalt & Concrete

The interest in new advances is not limited to asphalt because Calvac Paving is dedicated to finding more efficient and ecologically sound ways of achieving the same overall goals. One development that Calvac Paving is watching with great interest is so-called “bio-concrete.” In this type of concrete, a regular concrete mix is impregnated with tiny plastic capsules containing a type of bacillus bacterium which feeds on calcium lactate and excretes limestone. The capsules dissolve when exposed to water, activating and freeing the dormant bacteria within to begin the healing process. This landmark technology could result in admixtures for other types of Bay Area paving, which work to increase the strength, performance, and longevity of all kinds of paving while reducing necessary time-of-life repairs dramatically. As paving technology and techniques evolve, Calvac Paving intends to retain our leadership position in adopting new practices, prioritizing greater safety, security, durability, and environmental awareness in every task we undertake. From new builds to maintenance and repair of existing paving projects, Calvac Paving wants to ensure that its products and services stand the test of time, just as we have since 1974. For your next paving project, whether you’re starting from scratch or trying to determine the most efficient and effective way to repair or replace worn, cracked, or improperly placed paving materials, Calvac Paving’s experienced personnel can become stakeholders in your properties. We welcome the opportunity to show you why Calvac Paving has been building the Bay Area for over forty years, giving real results that stand the test of time!

To Find Out More About Why Calvac Paving Is The Bay Area’s Leader In San Jose Concrete And Asphalt Paving For Every Application From Auto Parking To Complete New Construction, We Invite You To Click Our Name To Find Out More About Calvac Paving, Including Directions To Our Office. 

You can also call us at any of the three numbers below, or visit to get in touch through our website. (408)872-9122 (650)318-6108  (831)264-0644 And for more information about Calvac Paving Bay Area asphalt and concrete, keep reading for our answers to frequently asked questions from readers and business owners like you!  

Frequently Asked Questions about Bay Area Asphalt and Concrete

Calvac Paving is your source for real information and true facts about everything to do with concrete and asphalt, so you know for sure the job will get done right the first time, every time!

“Gahrahmat Properties has worked with Calvac well over 20 years. Calvac has done jobs for us of all shapes and sizes and they have never let us down, ALWAYS on time and ALWAYS on budget. Calvac is a company that is very knowledgeable at all levels, and the guys on site are amazing. For example, if one of the crew sees something that isn’t correct they either bring it to our attention or they simply just take care of it. This company takes pride at all levels of their work and it shows time and time again. So, on behalf of Gahrahmat Properties, I would like to thank you Guys for all of your hard work over the past 20 plus years and We look forward to many more. Robert J. Crum” 

Note: All reviews on this page are from actual Calvac Paving customers. To see more reviews, click here!  


Question: How Can I Tell If My Bay Area Asphalt And Concrete Company Is Going To Do A Good Job? –Arthur, San Jose, CA

Answer: A reputable paving contractor will have a good rating with the Better Business Bureau; solid reviews on Yelp!, Google, HomeAdvisor, and other contractor-oriented websites; and be able to provide honest reviews and references from actual customers so you can verify their credentials and past experience. However, is this the best way to gauge how a contractor works? Not necessarily! The best way to see how a contractor does their job is to actually see them working and how they interact with their crews, other contractors, inspectors, and the general public. This can help you evaluate both the content of the company’s character and the sort of results you can expect from your Bay Area paving contractor. Or you can just contact Calvac Paving!  


Question: How Does Recycling Asphalt Make For A Better Environment, And Why Does Calvac Paving Care? –Alisha, San Francisco, CA

Answer: Conserving natural resources to create a healthier environment and future for everyone who shares this planet has been a priority goal of Calvac Paving since the beginning. As such, we make it a point to source our cement-based concrete and asphalt concrete from recyclable materials when and where possible. We also work hard to keep up with the latest changes and developments in concrete and asphalt technology, so we’re always at the forefront of innovation for paving that delivers superior longevity, durability, performance, and safety for the general public. But it’s our results and impressive list of repeat customers, some of whom have trusted Calvac Paving’s personnel, methods, and processes for decades, that really sets us apart from other so-called “green” paving companies. That’s why more businesses and contractors trust Calvac Paving for eco-friendly construction materials and practices and why you can trust us too!  


Question: What Is The Difference Between Asphalt, Concrete, And Cement? –Jonas, Santa Clara, CA

Answer: Cement is one of the key ingredients in concrete. When you mix Portland cement with aggregate, sand, admixtures, colors, and other ingredients, you get a simple-to-place matrix that can be tinted, colored, shaped, and formed in just about any way you can conceive of. Thus, while you can have cement without concrete, you can’t have conventional concrete without cement.  Asphalt, on the other hand, uses sand and aggregates as well, but it substitutes a bituminous binder, also known as tar or oil, for cement to give the matrix greater strength, flexibility, and water resistance. When the asphalt is compacted and cured, it forms a flexible surface that can withstand more direct force for longer periods than concrete can. This is why you see concrete curbs alongside asphalt roads and driveways. The concrete helps to shape and support the roadway, while the asphalt provides a smooth, resilient surface that’s safer to drive on in all weather and easier to repair than conventional concrete.  Unlike some companies that only do one or the other, Calvac Paving places both Bay Area asphalt and concrete paving so you know you’ll get the best results every time. 

To learn more, click here to contact Calvac Paving today!

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5 Simple Ways To Winterize Your Paving

5 Simple Ways To Winterize Your Paving


With winter and its accompanying rainfall on the way, the fall is a good time to take a look at your existing pavement and make sure it’s ready for the weather to come. Calvac Paving has been in the business for over 45 years, and in that time, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to solve small problems before they have a chance to become big ones. Now, we’re pleased to present this list of simple things you can watch for so your pavement lasts longer and looks and performs better in the process, even when the worst of the California winter weather strikes!

  1. Do a routine walkthrough of your paved areas.

Parking lots and other paved areas should be checked at least semiannually for problems. Things to look for include:

  • Areas of standing water. Water can break down the asphalt binder and leak down into the subgrade, eroding it over time. This is also an indication that the pavement or subgrade may already be failing because modern grading techniques are designed to establish a grade that flushes water away from the parking area and toward designated drainage points.
  • Oil or other chemicals that leak directly onto the pavement. Just like water, some chemicals associated with vehicles can cause binder breakdown and lead to subsurface problems. Cleaning up oil and other chemical spills as quickly as possible can help prevent this and keep your asphalt in better condition.
  • Cracks, divots or uneven areas. These can be caused by weeds growing beneath the surface, freeze/thaw patterns, standing water and oil or ongoing heavy truck traffic. Small cracks and divots are often the first visible sign of possible asphalt breakdown, and it’s more cost-efficient and less intrusive to fix them when they’re small by seal coating or spot patching than it is to do a complete tear-out and reinstall of the paving.
  • Striping: Old, dull or worn striping and pavement-level signage such as fire lane indicators and other information may be harder to see and read during winter months. Especially in ADA stalls, the striping and signage should always be clearly visible to make sure people know where these areas are.
  • Recently Complete Project
  1. Clear debris from drainage channels and curbs.

If water has nowhere to go, it doesn’t matter how good the drainage plan for your lot is. Making sure the drainage channels, storm sewers and other inlets to the runoff system near your property are clear of leaves, branches, garbage and other obstructions will help the water flow better and make it less likely to pool up on your property.

Calvac Paving Team
  1. Limit or restrict heavy-vehicle traffic as much as possible.

Large trucks such as semis, garbage trucks and other heavy vehicles can place a lot of stress on asphalt. By itself this shouldn’t be a problem, but when the base course and subgrade are compromised by water or plant intrusion, it could speed up the breakdown process for the asphalt. If at all possible, try to limit, restrict or even out the traffic pattern for such vehicles within your lot to minimize the time they spend on your pavement.

  1. Be sure it’s sealed.

Even if your parking area is free from cracks and other problems, it is a good idea to have it seal coated every 4 to 5 years at the minimum. This is because seal coating helps rejuvenate the asphalt binder at the surface, adding an extra layer of protection against traffic, water and other spills. Even better, it will help make your parking lot and driveways look newer, especially when you redo the striping at the same time. This makes your property more attractive, safer to navigate and less likely to fail for the long haul.

  1. Seek professional help.

If you’re not sure if the paving problems you’ve identified are “big enough,” or if you think your pavement needs a facelift or a complete overhaul, Calvac Paving can help. We’ve been serving the Bay Area for over four decades with quality construction solutions including:

  • Curb and gutter remediation, repair and replacement
  • Paving rehabilitation, tear-out and reconstruction
  • ADA access compliance and signage
  • And much more!

We take great pride in delivering a great product for your project, within the schedule and budget we agree upon. For more information about how Calvac Paving can help you with your paving or asphalt project, please contact us for a no-charge estimate.

Calvac Paving
2645 Pacer Ln
San Jose, CA 95111


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Studies Show Cigarette Butts May Be The Next Hot Thing In Paving

Studies Show Cigarette Butts May Be The Next Hot Thing In Paving


Every year, about 6 trillion cigarette butts are produced worldwide, or about 800 discarded butts for every man, woman and child on the planet. Not only are these butts an unsightly and expensive waste disposal problem, but the toxic chemicals which the filters trap and contain leach out over time to poison soil, groundwater, rivers and oceans. Now, a researcher at RMIT in Melbourne, Australia says he may have found a surprising answer to this problem: incorporate cigarette butts into asphalt aggregate!

According to the researcher, by coating the butts with a combination of paraffin wax and bitumen, the black substance also known as “tar” that gives asphalt its distinctive properties, it is possible to trap toxins which used butts contain while repurposing them as a lightweight, flexible asphalt aggregate component. This reduces the overall weight of an asphalt mix design while removing a potential 1.2 million metric tons of waste from the planet’s biosphere.

Another interesting side effect of adding cigarette butts to asphalt is the reduction of heat. Asphaltic concrete has been directly linked to the so-called “urban heat island” effect, caused by vast amounts of asphalt in a relatively small area. Cigarette filters are mostly made from cellulose acetate, a fibrous material which is spun down to look and feel like cotton. This material serves as an insulator which filters out toxins in cigarette smoke while helping prevent burnt fingers for those who simply must light up. These filters reduce thermal conductivity and reduce the thermal density of the mix. When placed as part of a roadway the asphalt containing the filters absorb and diffuse more heat, resulting in a cooler surface temperature and less radiant heat being redirected into the environment.
The final paper on this study states that butts coated with bitumen satisfied requirements for medium- and heavy-traffic mix designs. This would apply to interstates and surface streets with heavy commercial volume. Streets in residential neighborhoods, parking lots not marked for commercial vehicles and similar applications might use paraffin-coated butts. In the study, the research team used 10kg, 15kg and 25kg (about 22, 33 and 55lbs respectively) of encapsulated cigarette butts per cubic meter (1.30795cu.yd) to determine the ideal asphalt mix.

Since cigarette smoking on a global scale isn’t likely to go away anytime soon, finding new ways to deal with  this waste is becoming a more pressing problem every day. Estimates claim that the mass of discarded cigarette butts may increase by as much as 50% by 2025 because of the increase in global population. Knowing this, recycling these butts into asphalt and other lightweight construction materials, as the author of the study proposes, may help us all breathe just a little bit easier.

At Calvac Paving, we know we only have one planet, and it’s up to all of us to care for it the best way we know how. There’s no reason that building a solid product and being ecologically responsible should be mutually exclusive, and we’re always on the lookout for new ways to incorporate green ideas into our building design.. We will keep a close eye on this and other “green” developments in construction materials, so we can continue to deliver the most environmentally sound products and processes possible without compromising on quality or durability. It’s all part of our commitment to make the communities we serve, and the world we all share, a safer and healthier place for everyone.

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The Greenest Mile: How Charging Roads May Make Electric Cars More Efficient Than Ever

The Greenest Mile:

How Charging Roads May Make Electric Cars More Efficient Than Ever

electric car asphalt roads

At Calvac Paving, we support technologies and construction methodologies that offer a more environmentally sound and sustainable way of creating the things we as human beings have come to rely on. From asphaltic concrete recycling to innovations such as self-healing concrete, we are always on the lookout for trends and techniques that change how we operate for a greener, healthier planet. This is why we are so excited about the possibility of roads that actually recharge electric cars as they drive! These specially designed roadways will reduce pollution, increase the performance and range of electric cars to unheard-of levels, and reduce or entirely eliminate the need for charging stations.


In the UK, this seeming science fiction is becoming science fact, as the government moves to experiment with charging roads. Operating on the same principle as a wireless phone charger, the roads will charge cars through magnetic induction resonance. Cables implanted in the material of the roadway generate a specialized electromagnetic field that the car can convert into usable energy. The roads will also include communications equipment attuned to the unique energy signature of an electric car, alerting the road that an electric vehicle is present and to initiate the power generation process. This will allow properly equipped electric vehicles to recharge on the go, without needing to stop for extended periods to recharge, one of the biggest stumbling blocks cited in the adoption of electric vehicles thus far.


The roads the UK are experimenting with will be restricted for the time being, ensuring that regular vehicles do not impede the testing process. The government is committing 500 million pounds, or roughly $779 million, to these experimental roads over a five-year span. This technology is already in use in South Korea, powering rail systems with ranges of up to 15 miles, and will be combined with an added initiative to provide charging stations every 20 miles in the UK. The combination of options for drivers will help eliminate so-called “range anxiety,” which one advocate described as a combination of running low on gas and having one’s cell phone be low on battery simultaneously.


Recent Calvac Paving Project

Magnetic induction resonance works in much the same way as a powerful operatic voice can shatter crystal. When the voice and the crystal reach a similar resonance, the molecules in the crystal begin to vibrate rapidly and cause it finally to break. Instead of shattering or rupturing the battery, however, the cables the charging roads utilize will create a harmonic resonance within the battery that allows it to transform the signal from the roadway into usable power.


Because many roadways contain metal in addition to the native subgrade, road base and asphalt in the form of rebar, wire-mesh matting and metallic joints between road sections, the cables can use this metal as a part of the transmission system for the power. The metal components of the electric car can be employed as a receiver, directing the transmitted energy to the battery without the driver needing to stop, handle any charging devices or worry about whether or not the car will make it to the next charging station.


Major car production companies such as Audi are leading the research into this technology, which they believe will relegate internal-combustion vehicles to the status of horse and buggy. By working together to create a standardized plug-in system for use in garages, parking structures and ultimately at-home use, these car manufacturers believe they can make charging stations easier to find and thus make electric cars more attractive. The idea of “switching stations,” where a person can simply replace a drained battery with a fresh one and continue on, and the increased range of electric cars to around 250-300 miles per full charge depending on the type of car and battery size, will help expedite this process.

electric car asphalt paving roads

While paved roads are still very much a part of the future landscape, what drives over those roads and what lies beneath them may soon play a more crucial role than ever in our environmental integrity and ability to move people and cargo. Calvac Paving will be watching the trials in the UK with a great deal of interest because we want to see if this technology truly is feasible and what the implications will be for the paving industry. If everything pans out as the equations and scientists claim, this could be a major breakthrough and a huge tectonic shift in how things are designed in both construction and automotive industries, as well as manufacturing and transportation as a whole. We think that’s a pretty big win, and look forward to this technology here at home!

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Paving The Way Forward With Recycled Plastic

Paving The Way Forward With Recycled Plastic

paving recycle plastic

From India to Indiana, from Cumbria, England to Corpus Christi, Texas, everyone agrees the amount of free-floating plastic in the environment is an ongoing problem. With an estimated 5 trillion pieces of plastic adrift on the surface of the ocean alone and uncountable more tons of the material in landfills and vacant lots all over the world, plastic both makes our current standard of living possible and poses one of its most dire threats.

At Calvac Paving, we make a point of keeping current on the latest breakthroughs and experiments in building and paving technologies, and new processes for repurposing plastic as a paving material is very much in our wheelhouse. Several different processes are in the testing stage, including using plastic to coat paving aggregates and reduce the amount of bitumen necessary for traditional asphalt; adding pellets of recycled plastic as part or all of the aggregate portion of the asphalt; and a Lego-like process of building roads from paving blocks of recycled plastic.

Apart from the obvious advantages of reducing the environmental impact of discarded free-range plastic, the primary benefit of utilizing plastic-impregnated asphalt is twofold. First, using plastic seems to increase the tensile strength of asphalt significantly, up to 60% in certain mixes.

Second, by reducing the amount of bitumen, or tar, used as the binding agent in most industrial asphalt mixes, it may also cut the cost of paving by up to 15%. The higher tensile strength potentially increases the size and mass of traffic that can use these roadways, meaning it may be possible to move more freight and larger vehicles in areas where existing paving and statutes would simply not permit them. In turn, this could substantially reduce transportation costs and thus the costs of everything from steel to gasoline to milk.

In addition, plastic-impregnated asphalt may lend itself more readily to hybridization with innovations such as the self-charging roads that we’ve discussed recently. As the costs of developing and deploying these technologies shrink, the likelihood of incorporating multiple technologies into a single roadway increases at a similar rate.

Almost as interesting as what plastic asphalt can do is the story of the various ways in which its applications came to be. In India, a chemistry professor, annoyed with the potholes of his city, remembered seeing people in Mumbai patching similar potholes by filling them with empty plastic bottles

and then heating them to a liquid state. In Scotland, an engineer built on the India protocol by using pellets of recycled plastic, aggregate and a very small amount of bituminous binder to create a roadway surface which causes less wear on tires. Meanwhile, a company in the Netherlands backing the block paving strategy was inspired by the idea that using interlocking blocks would allow for easier infrastructure placement and damaged section replacement.

By reducing the amount of “trash” plastic in the open environment and repurposing it in new ways, these innovators are also challenging accepted notions of what is possible in large-scale construction. These changes in turn may serve to make not only the final product of construction initiatives, but the processes and techniques by which they are created, more efficient, effective and environmentally friendly.

Calvac Paving takes our role in environmental sustainability and finding better ways to accomplish the tasks we undertake more effectively and safely very seriously. It is the entire reason we keep such a close eye on how construction technology is changing and evolving. When and where possible, we make it a point to adopt and implement these changes ourselves, because while we know the “tried and true” methods have survived and been used as long as they have for very good reasons, we also understand there’s almost always a better way to do just about anything if you’re willing to look hard enough for it.


We at Calvac Paving believe we can best serve the communities we live and work in by emphasizing the fastest, safest and most c
ost-effective means available to do our jobs, while striving to reduce the impact our industry can have on the global as well as local environment. It’s all part of Calvac Paving’s commitment to not just doing the job, but doing it right. We do it for our clients/stakeholders, for our community and for a better, cleaner, healthier world. To learn more about Calvac’s commitment to the environment, or to put the four decades of experience we bring to every project to work for your job, please contact us at (408) 225-7700  or

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Los Altos New Private Road Project

Los Altos New Private Road Project


Calvac Paving was proud to be able to serve the city of Los Altos, California by replacing a  common private road within the community. The roadway needed repair for durability, safety, and aesthetic reasons, giving Calvac Paving the opportunity to once again demonstrate the quality and attention to detail of our work.

This project required some delicate handling because, as a private road in a residential area, Calvac Paving had to be mindful of residents’ access needs as well as the possibility of fires or other emergencies. It also necessitated using a special process that allowed for minimum road closure time and maximum performance. We created a short video to show the highlights of the paving process, from top to bottom.

The process Calvac Paving decided to use was a “petromat” overlay on top of the existing roadway. To do this, the failed areas were prepatched using full depth hot mix asphalt. Once this was done, the existing utility boxes in the roadway were raised up, so as to secure them against further failures in the subgrade or roadway itself. An asphalt binder and paving fabric were installed next, allowing the existing road surface to bond properly to the hot mix upon placement. A 2” lift of hot-mix was placed using a self-propelled paver, and then the lift was compacted to produce a smooth, level road surface.

The finished product is much nicer-looking, offers more flexibility and durability, and didn’t require as much disruption of local traffic patterns as more traditional repair and rehabilitation projects. Calvac Paving specializes in these kinds of jobs, where tight traffic constraints and the need for access make conventional processes difficult or impossible. In this particular case, we left the property owners with a smoother, more aesthetically pleasing, better-driving roadway.

Calvac Paving has been serving the Bay Area since 1974, providing the highest-quality paving, concrete and earthwork solutions for residential, commercial, transportation and public applications. From annual budgeted concrete repairs, asphalt paving and seal coat to a complete new roadway build and striping services, Calvac Paving has the equipment, knowledge and experience to deliver excellent quality at competitive prices. We approach every job with a can-do attitude and consider carefully how to proceed to obtain the best balance of cost-effectiveness, performance, and safety.

Because our President, Jim Adam, carries ADA Expert certification, Calvac Paving is also an ADA-certified company. This means we are continuously keeping abreast of new developments and adaptations to ADA regulatory requirements and standards. Carrying this prestigious and important certification allows us to ensure every project we undertake is in full compliance with ADA Standards as well as the California Building Code, which in some cases are even more stringent.

In addition to our certifications and awards, Calvac Paving offers a three-year warranty to qualifying customers, three times the industry standard. We stand behind every job we do with strict quality and performance standards because we want our clients to have peace of mind that the work they get from Calvac Paving will be the best anyone, anywhere can deliver. We hold our work to the highest possible standards for materials, workmanship and durability, Calvac Paving can take pride in giving our clients/Stakeholders a finished product they can trust.

Calvac Paving is proud to have served the Bay Area as long as we have, and we will continue to do so in 2016 and beyond. Whether we’re fixing a private roadway in Los Altos or working on a major airport runway renovation, striping a parking lot or building an access ramp to the exacting tolerances of ADAS and CBC requirements, we are passionate about our work and proud of the final result. To learn more about how Calvac Paving can help you with your next construction project, we invite you to call our offices at the following numbers:

(408) 225 – 7700

(650) 694 – 7944

(831) 375 – 7944

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Calvac Paving Maintains High Safety Work Record

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Calvac Paving Maintains High Safety Work Record

The construction industry requires a delicate balance between worker safety and work completion and efficiency. At Calvac Paving, we value the safety and health of our employees as an integral part of our Business Plan. While many companies say this, we are pleased to be able to provide hard numbers to prove it. Our Ex-Mod(California Modification Rating System) rating of 74 with our workers’ compensation insurer is one of the lowest in the industry. This means that over the last three years, our experienced workers’ compensation losses have been 25% less than the conventional wisdom of the insurance industry said they should be. All this sounds very impressive, but what does it actually mean? Here’s a closer look at why this is big news for Calvac Paving and our valued clients.
Calvac Paving Crew Hard At work

What Does Ex-Mod Really Mean?

In simple terms a company’s  experience modification compares actual losses to expected losses. The experience rating system, in essence, adjusts the premium an employer will pay based on a comparison of that employer’s history of payroll and claims (collectively referred to as “experience”) to the average experience of other employers within the same classification. The result of this comparison is an experience modification. A Ex-Mod rating of a  100 is average, and pays 100% of the customary premium for coverage. Likewise, a company with an ex-mod of 125 would pay 125% of the industry average premium, because of the higher risk and nearly certain greater expense involved in the carrier keeping this company on the books.

Calvac Paving’s rating of 74 is well below the industry standard and means that we pay less than 3/4 of what many of our competitors would for identical workers’ compensation coverage. The best performers in the industry rarely reach an ex-mod of below 70, because insurance carriers can hardly afford to give away their coverage. However, our ex-mod does provide a verifiable, actionable metric by which to measure worker safety and the likelihood of on-the-job accidents and injuries among our employees.

How Is Ex-Mod Calculated?
The State of California’s Worker’s Compensation Insurance Rating Board put new rules in place for 2012, based on recommendations from the state insurance commissioner in 2008. These rules state that insurance ex-mod is calculated every year as an average of the data from the three preceding calendar years. The WCIRB guidelines require that insurance carriers provide an ex-mod score statement each year, usually at least 30 days before renewing the premium. These guidelines are intended to incentivize good occupational health and safety practices and limit workers’ compensation claims, but at Calvac Paving, we just call that business as usual. The financial perks that come with having a great safety record are always welcome in the business world, but what really matters to us is what our ex-mod means in the real world: the fact that our employees go home every night to their families in the same condition they left the house in the morning.

Calvac Paving Operating Machines

What Does Our Insurance Broker Say?

Our insurance broker, NFP/Thoits Insurance, consistently praises our safety record and the programs we use to improve it. Because we take our people’s safety so seriously, we incorporate training on every aspect of construction safety, site and roadway hazards and first aid training. We work closely with our carrier to implement and maintain a sound, viable loss prevention strategy, including IIPP and Early Return to Work programs that help our employees get back to work sooner while remaining in compliance with their healthcare provider’s orders. Because of these factors, our broker has consistently praised our programs and proactive worker safety initiatives, even going so far as to note that our programs are paving the way for future improvements.

From The Principals

Calvac Paving’s Principals are justifiably proud of the company, management and employees for the way they have worked together to make a safer workplace a reality. By continuing to train employees in proper on-site safety protocols and emergency measures as part of a program that meets Cal-OSHA standards for workplace safety, Calvac Paving is leading the way in setting the highest benchmarks possible for worker safety and lost-time injury prevention. Even more importantly, it means Calvac Paving’s employees get to enjoy more productive working days and quality, healthy time with their loved ones when off the clock. While construction continues to be a challenging field in which to balance productivity and safety, we take great pride in proving it’s possible every day.


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