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How Long Does Asphalt Take To Dry?

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How Long Does Asphalt Take To Dry?


One question we often hear at Calvac Paving is about asphalt cure times. This is a great question because understanding how the asphalt curing process works helps you understand when you can safely stripe, park, walk, and drive on the new asphalt parking lot and what sort of performance you can expect from your asphalt long-term. Let’s take a closer look at how the asphalt installation process works and how this affects the asphalt curing process!


 Asphalt Surface Installation


Most asphalt paving companies prefer not to place a fresh asphalt surface if the ambient temperature is outside the range of  50°F-90°F. If it’s too hot, asphalt will not cure quickly enough.  Paving when it’s too cold can cause the asphalt crack as it rapidly cools. Weather conditions can make a difference as well. If you watch carefully, you’ll notice paving companies rarely place asphalt in heavy rain. While it is possible to pave asphalt outside these parameters, it requires special preparation and oversight.

The rules for hot asphalt patch, resurfaced asphalt sealcoating and cold patch asphalt placement are a little different, so for purposes of this discussion, we’re going to focus on a clean installation on grade for commercial or residential paving like parking lots or a driveway.  


 How Long Does Asphalt Take to Cure?

The curing time for asphalt depends on the asphalt mix design, the oil content, the temperature of the mix, the thickness of the paved asphalt layers after compaction, and the temperature and weather conditions when the mix was placed. Generally, you can open new asphalt to public foot and vehicle traffic 48-72 hours after it is placed because this allows time for the asphalt to harden, but you may need to allow a bit more time during hot weather. Asphalt doesn’t fully cure for 6-12 months, so it’s important to keep a close eye on it during this time because it will be less resistant to damage.

The reason we stress the difference between “curing time” and “asphalt drying time,” even though they’re often used interchangeably is that asphalt is designed to be flexible. For it to remain flexible, it has to retain a certain amount of moisture. Water infiltration in paved asphalt driveways, parking lots, roadways, speed bumps, and other asphalt surfaces is the primary factor leading to a blacktop drying out. The water washes away the oil which keeps the asphalt overlay flexible and resilient. You can tell when asphalt dries because you’ll notice cracking, warping, raveling, and loose aggregate appearing on the surface of the matrix, especially sand and other fine aggregates. Fortunately, it takes months to years of asphalt drying time to start noticing signs other than cracking.


What Can I Do to Not Allow My Asphalt to Dry Out?


Good roadway and parking lot maintenance programs can help prevent a lot of problems. Putting down asphalt seal coating on a regular basis, especially when you freshen up your street or parking lot striping, can help prevent more costly asphalt repairs down the line. This is also a great time to do any basin repairs and crack filling, as catching these problems early, when they’re small, can keep your asphalt fresher and more flexible for a lot longer.

Asphalt sealer drying times vary, but 4-8 hours to dry is usually enough for your sealer to ensure it will keep water out. However, the full drying process for the sealer takes around 24 hours, and it’s important to allow your sealcoating to dry completely before line striping for maximum resiliency and effectiveness. As with any other kind of asphalt sealant, you want to allow crack sealer to cure for at least 24 hours in perfect conditions, and add a day for cool, cloudy, or high-humidity conditions just to be on the safe side.


 Final Thoughts About How Long It Takes Asphalt to Dry


Of course, the best mix design in the world won’t do you any good if it’s improperly placed, if your striping doesn’t meet the latest ADA criteria or if you don’t take proper care of it. For the best possible results and the greatest confidence in your paving job from breaking ground to the final walkthrough and for years of use beyond, click here to contact Calvac Paving. We’ve been proudly serving the Bay Area since 1972 on residential, commercial, and government projects of all types. Our track record for consistent quality, service, and excellence in every aspect of our operations speaks for itself. Put our experience to work for your paving refurbishment, repair, or new construction needs and see why Calvac Paving is the contractor you need for paving that works the first time, every time!

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2645 Pacer Ln
San Jose, CA
(408) 225-7700

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Latest Bay Area Asphalt Repair Project From Calvac Paving

Latest Bay Area Asphalt Repair Project From Calvac Paving


Modern technology and paving practices have revealed faster, more cost-effective solutions to problems that once would have required expensive tear-out and repaving operations. One of the best examples we at Calvac Paving have ever seen was the rehabilitation of the Redwood Shores parking lot we recently undertook. This project mixed new technology with time-tested techniques to deliver a great result for the client, faster and more efficiently than conventional paving methodology.


The parking lot itself was old, cracked and weathered from years of use, but not so bad as to need a complete removal and replacement. Age and oxidation from poorly placed asphalt atop moisture-sensitive base material had caused the asphalt to crack and dry out, reducing its flexibility and its resilience. The parking lot was in need of a major face-lift, and Calvac Paving had the perfect product and the years of specialized talents to make it happen. This was a very unique project in that it perfectly fit the criteria for a very specific application: a Petromat overlay.

Petromat is a non-woven reinforcing fabric that is applied using a liquid asphalt binder known as RS1, which works as a penetrating adhesive and moisture barrier. The Petromat fabric helps to retard the existing cracks from reflecting through the new asphalt surface and gives the finished surface a higher tensile strength, thereby distributes the weight of heavy truck traffic over a greater area. After that, a full two-inch placement of hot ½”fine asphalt is placed with self-propelled paving machines.  Once the asphalt has been placed, the compaction equipment follows immediately behind the paving equipment. These very large and heavy smooth drum rollers compact the hot asphalt to a dense, smooth and uniform finish.

Day 2 of the project

Once the compaction process is completed and the hot asphalt has cooled, we then apply a fog seal mixture of 50% SS1 and 50% water. This is designed to help bond the top layer of new asphalt and give it that black shiny “new pavement” look. After the Petromat overlay is 100% completed to our satisfaction, we can proceed with striping and stenciling operations.

Because of the unique considerations and time constraints of the job, Calvac Paving recommended a 2” Petromat overlay over the entire parking lot, measuring approximately 63,500 square feet. This offered the best results for the budget and gave them similar benefits to getting a brand-new parking lot for years to come, without the hassle, expense and lost time of a complete remove and replace. This project also had some very unique parking design restrictions, offering a perfect opportunity for Calvac Paving to design a new layout for the regular and ADA stalls. This redesign included larger stalls, which helped prevent unnecessary dents in car doors, making both the tenants, and owners happy with their new parking lot investment.


Please feel free to drive by and see what a truly professional paving project should look like, and what your commercial parking lot can look like too! From a private roadway rebuild to a complete parking lot rehabilitation and much more, there are very few jobs Calvac Paving cannot do. We’ve been serving the Bay Area for more than 40 years. Now let us serve you! To find out more about Petromat or how we can help with your next project, contact us by email or by phone at:

(408) 225 – 7700

(650) 694 – 7944

(831) 375 – 7944

When you need the best, don’t leave the results to chance. Contact Calvac and have the job done right the first time, every time!

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Asphalt: The Most Recycled Material In America!

Asphalt: The Most Recycled Material In America!

calvac paving asphalt and concrete project budgeting work

Recycling is important for our ongoing quality of life. It allows us to reclaim and reuse materials that would otherwise go to waste, clogging up landfills and contaminating our oceans. When most people think of recycling, they may think of cans, bottles, paper or even old computers. But surprisingly, the most recycled material in America is literally right under our feet: asphalt!

Unlike many recyclables, which may have limitations on specific types that can be recycled, any asphalt pavement can be 100% recycled. The American Asphalt Association recently released 2016 data which stated about 79 million tons of asphalt was reclaimed and reused in roadway mix designs and other activities, such as reprocessing into a recycled aggregate base course for use beneath the roadways themselves. In addition, nearly 1.8 million tons of waste and byproduct material from other industries were incorporated into asphaltic concrete mix designs in 2016.

We’ve previously discussed the possible use of plastic bottles and even cigarette butts as elements of asphalt designs which are being explored. By reclaiming these materials into asphalt, it increases their recyclability as part of the mix and helps reduce their impact in landfills. The APA says recycling asphalt saves an estimated 14,664 Olympic-sized swimming pools’ worth of landfill space each year. By adding other recyclable and waste materials to asphalt, this impact will only become greater in years to come.

Recycling asphalt isn’t just good for saving landfill space. It also reduces the environmental impact of quarrying and processing the aggregates and bituminous binders used in the asphalt production process.

Asphalt can be recycled in a number of ways. One of the most popular, and the way which reclaims 100% of the asphalt involved, is to pass chunks of asphalt through a special recycling assembly which raises the temperature to 300℉. Once the asphalt has been processed using this method, it can be laid down on roadways using existing paving technologies and techniques. In this form, it is known as Recycled Asphalt Pavement or RAP.

Another method of asphalt recycling involves crushing asphalt at a hot mix plant and using the resulting RAP as an additive for “virgin” hot mix. This type of recycling allows for over 30% of the final product to consist of recycled asphalt. By comparison, some brands of paper cups may use only 10-25% post-consumer content, highlighting the recyclable nature of asphalt.

A third way which also reclaims 100% asphalt is to crush the asphalt down into gradations suitable for road base. Rutgers University conducted a study in which RAP was compared to conventional aggregate subbase for use in roadways. The study showed the RAP had more elasticity and stiffness (are you sure they said this, seems contradictory) than the aggregate subbase when the two materials were laid using identical placement methodology. This means RAP is actually stronger, more resilient and better for the environment than regular aggregate road base while delivering comparable performance as a base material.

If the environmental benefits aren’t impressive enough, consider the potential savings for recycling. That’s right, recycling asphalt costs less than new paving! One estimate places potential savings at a national average of around 55%, or between 30-80%, over virgin hot mix.

It’s up to all of us to do our part to make our world a better, cleaner and healthier place, from the global level to our own homes. At Calvac Paving, we are always on the lookout for ways to perform our work more efficiently and cost-effectively while also remaining environmentally responsible. This means keeping a close watch on new technologies, methods and California State standards which would allow us to deliver comparable or superior results with less environmental impact and greater ROI for our clients. To learn more about Calvac Paving’s commitment to the environment, or to put the four decades of experience we’ve accrued to work for you, please contact us at (408) 225-7700 or

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The Greenest Mile: How Charging Roads May Make Electric Cars More Efficient Than Ever

The Greenest Mile:

How Charging Roads May Make Electric Cars More Efficient Than Ever

electric car asphalt roads

At Calvac Paving, we support technologies and construction methodologies that offer a more environmentally sound and sustainable way of creating the things we as human beings have come to rely on. From asphaltic concrete recycling to innovations such as self-healing concrete, we are always on the lookout for trends and techniques that change how we operate for a greener, healthier planet. This is why we are so excited about the possibility of roads that actually recharge electric cars as they drive! These specially designed roadways will reduce pollution, increase the performance and range of electric cars to unheard-of levels, and reduce or entirely eliminate the need for charging stations.


In the UK, this seeming science fiction is becoming science fact, as the government moves to experiment with charging roads. Operating on the same principle as a wireless phone charger, the roads will charge cars through magnetic induction resonance. Cables implanted in the material of the roadway generate a specialized electromagnetic field that the car can convert into usable energy. The roads will also include communications equipment attuned to the unique energy signature of an electric car, alerting the road that an electric vehicle is present and to initiate the power generation process. This will allow properly equipped electric vehicles to recharge on the go, without needing to stop for extended periods to recharge, one of the biggest stumbling blocks cited in the adoption of electric vehicles thus far.


The roads the UK are experimenting with will be restricted for the time being, ensuring that regular vehicles do not impede the testing process. The government is committing 500 million pounds, or roughly $779 million, to these experimental roads over a five-year span. This technology is already in use in South Korea, powering rail systems with ranges of up to 15 miles, and will be combined with an added initiative to provide charging stations every 20 miles in the UK. The combination of options for drivers will help eliminate so-called “range anxiety,” which one advocate described as a combination of running low on gas and having one’s cell phone be low on battery simultaneously.


Recent Calvac Paving Project

Magnetic induction resonance works in much the same way as a powerful operatic voice can shatter crystal. When the voice and the crystal reach a similar resonance, the molecules in the crystal begin to vibrate rapidly and cause it finally to break. Instead of shattering or rupturing the battery, however, the cables the charging roads utilize will create a harmonic resonance within the battery that allows it to transform the signal from the roadway into usable power.


Because many roadways contain metal in addition to the native subgrade, road base and asphalt in the form of rebar, wire-mesh matting and metallic joints between road sections, the cables can use this metal as a part of the transmission system for the power. The metal components of the electric car can be employed as a receiver, directing the transmitted energy to the battery without the driver needing to stop, handle any charging devices or worry about whether or not the car will make it to the next charging station.


Major car production companies such as Audi are leading the research into this technology, which they believe will relegate internal-combustion vehicles to the status of horse and buggy. By working together to create a standardized plug-in system for use in garages, parking structures and ultimately at-home use, these car manufacturers believe they can make charging stations easier to find and thus make electric cars more attractive. The idea of “switching stations,” where a person can simply replace a drained battery with a fresh one and continue on, and the increased range of electric cars to around 250-300 miles per full charge depending on the type of car and battery size, will help expedite this process.

electric car asphalt paving roads

While paved roads are still very much a part of the future landscape, what drives over those roads and what lies beneath them may soon play a more crucial role than ever in our environmental integrity and ability to move people and cargo. Calvac Paving will be watching the trials in the UK with a great deal of interest because we want to see if this technology truly is feasible and what the implications will be for the paving industry. If everything pans out as the equations and scientists claim, this could be a major breakthrough and a huge tectonic shift in how things are designed in both construction and automotive industries, as well as manufacturing and transportation as a whole. We think that’s a pretty big win, and look forward to this technology here at home!

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Paving The Way Forward With Recycled Plastic

Paving The Way Forward With Recycled Plastic

paving recycle plastic

From India to Indiana, from Cumbria, England to Corpus Christi, Texas, everyone agrees the amount of free-floating plastic in the environment is an ongoing problem. With an estimated 5 trillion pieces of plastic adrift on the surface of the ocean alone and uncountable more tons of the material in landfills and vacant lots all over the world, plastic both makes our current standard of living possible and poses one of its most dire threats.

At Calvac Paving, we make a point of keeping current on the latest breakthroughs and experiments in building and paving technologies, and new processes for repurposing plastic as a paving material is very much in our wheelhouse. Several different processes are in the testing stage, including using plastic to coat paving aggregates and reduce the amount of bitumen necessary for traditional asphalt; adding pellets of recycled plastic as part or all of the aggregate portion of the asphalt; and a Lego-like process of building roads from paving blocks of recycled plastic.

Apart from the obvious advantages of reducing the environmental impact of discarded free-range plastic, the primary benefit of utilizing plastic-impregnated asphalt is twofold. First, using plastic seems to increase the tensile strength of asphalt significantly, up to 60% in certain mixes.

Second, by reducing the amount of bitumen, or tar, used as the binding agent in most industrial asphalt mixes, it may also cut the cost of paving by up to 15%. The higher tensile strength potentially increases the size and mass of traffic that can use these roadways, meaning it may be possible to move more freight and larger vehicles in areas where existing paving and statutes would simply not permit them. In turn, this could substantially reduce transportation costs and thus the costs of everything from steel to gasoline to milk.

In addition, plastic-impregnated asphalt may lend itself more readily to hybridization with innovations such as the self-charging roads that we’ve discussed recently. As the costs of developing and deploying these technologies shrink, the likelihood of incorporating multiple technologies into a single roadway increases at a similar rate.

Almost as interesting as what plastic asphalt can do is the story of the various ways in which its applications came to be. In India, a chemistry professor, annoyed with the potholes of his city, remembered seeing people in Mumbai patching similar potholes by filling them with empty plastic bottles

and then heating them to a liquid state. In Scotland, an engineer built on the India protocol by using pellets of recycled plastic, aggregate and a very small amount of bituminous binder to create a roadway surface which causes less wear on tires. Meanwhile, a company in the Netherlands backing the block paving strategy was inspired by the idea that using interlocking blocks would allow for easier infrastructure placement and damaged section replacement.

By reducing the amount of “trash” plastic in the open environment and repurposing it in new ways, these innovators are also challenging accepted notions of what is possible in large-scale construction. These changes in turn may serve to make not only the final product of construction initiatives, but the processes and techniques by which they are created, more efficient, effective and environmentally friendly.

Calvac Paving takes our role in environmental sustainability and finding better ways to accomplish the tasks we undertake more effectively and safely very seriously. It is the entire reason we keep such a close eye on how construction technology is changing and evolving. When and where possible, we make it a point to adopt and implement these changes ourselves, because while we know the “tried and true” methods have survived and been used as long as they have for very good reasons, we also understand there’s almost always a better way to do just about anything if you’re willing to look hard enough for it.


We at Calvac Paving believe we can best serve the communities we live and work in by emphasizing the fastest, safest and most c
ost-effective means available to do our jobs, while striving to reduce the impact our industry can have on the global as well as local environment. It’s all part of Calvac Paving’s commitment to not just doing the job, but doing it right. We do it for our clients/stakeholders, for our community and for a better, cleaner, healthier world. To learn more about Calvac’s commitment to the environment, or to put the four decades of experience we bring to every project to work for your job, please contact us at (408) 225-7700  or

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Bay Area Asphalt Contractor Completes Latest Project

Bay Area Asphalt Contractor Completes Latest Project


At Calvac Paving, we love a challenge. When St. Francis Retreat in San Juan Bautista needed an overhaul of their existing roadway, we were pleased to lend our experience and expertise to the task. The retreat is in a secluded rural setting just outside the town proper, which created some specific concerns we needed to be cognizant of during the project.

Working in a rural area, we had to plan our work in such a way as to minimize the impact on the environment and existing flora and fauna, as well as ensure we avoided disruption of the operations and tranquility of the Retreat itself as much as possible. In addition, we had to consider the safety of our personnel and the general public. Finally, the historic nature of the Retreat had to be taken into account and treated with respect.


The roadway is approximately 1 3/4 miles long and required 2,300 tons of hot-mix asphalt. The rehabilitation consisted of pulverizing, regrading and compacting the existing asphalt as additional base material.  Then we laid replacement hot-mix in one 3” lift, compacted.  

We are pleased to report the renovation operation went very smoothly. The local residents, staff and visitors were very patient with the unavoidable disruption a project of this sort involves. We were able to complete the project ahead of schedule and within budget, without injury or harm to the area or anyone involved in or affected by it. Best of all, the Retreat now has a great-looking, high-performance roadway which can be expected to last for years to come. 

IMG_7708Calvac Paving has been serving the Bay Area since 1972. Let us put our craftsmanship and knowledge to work for you on your next project. For quality, safety, and efficiency without parallel, we’re proud to be the construction solution for all your paving project needs!

Calvac Paving

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Maintenance Mondays – Drive Lanes Removed & Replaced

Maintenance Monday:

Drive Lanes Removed & Replaced


Maintenance Mondays: This project was for a Medical Building. This required the crew from Calvac Paving to work on a Sunday to minimize disruption.

The bulk of the drive lanes were damaged to the extent that we had to remove and replace approximately 45% of the drive lanes. The crew completed approximately 260 tons of removal and replaced it with 260 tons of hot-mix asphalt. All of the removed asphalt was hauled to a recycling plant. Our crews were completed and out of our yard and on their way home by 6:30 pm.

Calvac Paving – Top Quality. On Schedule. On Budget.


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Calvac Paving Celebrates Over 45 Years in Business

Calvac Paving Celebrates Over 45 Years in Business

Calvac Paving Truck in San Jose Bay Area

Calvac Paving, a Bay Area paving and concrete company, is pleased to announce that they are celebrating over four decades in business. Since the day they first opened for business in 1974, Calvac Paving has strived to offer a wide variety of services, including concrete hardscapes, asphalt repair, interlocking pavers, crack filling, seal coating, and many others.

Over the past 45-plus years, Calvac Paving has grown to become one of the largest Bay Area paving and asphalt contractors. From business owners who need new concrete sidewalks and ADA ramps to schools that have old and cracked asphalt parking lots that are in desperate need of repair, the friendly and experienced team at Calvac Paving is ready and able to help.

In addition to offering top-notch service, Calvac Paving’s website is exceptionally user-friendly, providing visitors with in-depth explanations of the various services they offer. The educational articles not only describe what each service entails, but when it is typically needed. This can help business owners, commercial property managers, homeowners association managers and many other clients to educate themselves and their clients about what work is needed at their properties.

For example, the article about asphalt repair explains that interconnecting cracks called “alligatoring” are typically found in high traffic areas or near dumpster enclosures.

“In the areas of the pavement surface where failure is showing (areas of ‘alligatoring’) we may propose removal of the failed asphalt and replacement with a thicker cross-section of newly placed and compacted asphalt,” the article noted, adding that Calvac Paving will mill, saw cut or jackhammer the perimeter of the failed areas.

“It is recommended that the new ‘patch’ be placed at a minimum thickness of 1-1/2 times the original asphalt depth to bridge any inherent weakness in the base material in that area.”

Anybody who would like to learn more about Calvac Paving is welcome to visit the user-friendly website or Facebook Page at any time; there, they can read more about the high-quality services they offer.

About Calvac Paving:

Calvac Paving Inc. is a full-service asphalt and concrete maintenance company that has been serving the greater Bay Area since 1974. For more information, please visit

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Calvac Paving To Exhibit At The Northern California Law Seminar & Expo – 2020

Calvac Paving To Exhibit At The Northern California Law Seminar & Expo – 2020


Calvac Paving, a Bay Area Asphalt and Concrete Maintenance company is proud to announce that they will be exhibitors and a sponsor at the California Association of Community Manager’s (CACM) Northern California Law Seminar and Expo which will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center on February 6th and 7th.

To learn more about CACM’s Northern CA Law Seminar & Expo, please visit :

The Calvac Paving team will be exhibiting at Booth #1014 on both Thursday and Friday and will also be a Bar Sponsor for the Vision Awards Banquet taking place on Thursday evening. The Vision Awards will include both a Nominee VIP reception and a Champagne reception.

Representatives from Calvac Paving are really looking forward to participating in the event as well as networking during the Vision Awards banquet. A Calvac company spokesperson added, “We have been in the Asphalt and Concrete maintenance business for over four decades, and we thoroughly enjoy having the opportunity to spend time with many of our current clients as well as meet new clients. We hope that everyone will take the time to visit our booth at the Expo as this is also a great opportunity to share knowledge and answer questions in a casual setting.”

About Calvac Paving:
Calvac Paving is a full-service asphalt and concrete maintenance company that has been serving the greater Bay Area since 1974. For more information, please visit

Calvac Paving
2645 Pacer Lane
San Jose, Ca 95111

Event Information

Northern California Law Seminar & Expo

February 6-7, 2020

Santa Clara Convention Center Hyatt Regency

5101 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054

This two-day seminar offers up-to-the-minute legislative information from California legal experts.

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Calvac Paving Continues To Maintain A High Safety Work Record

Calvac Paving Continues To Maintain A High Safety Work Record


In 2015, we reported Calvac Paving has maintained a high degree of safety, as measured by reduction adjustment to our worker’s compensation insurance premiums. These numbers are released annually, which means we just received the latest figures on our performance. The 2018 California Experience Modification ratings for workers’ compensation insurance have now been released, and once again Calvac Paving is proud to be an industry leader in workplace safety!

IMG_6064Calvac Paving’s rating of 76 is well below the industry standard and means that we pay nearly 25% less than what many of our competitors pay for identical workers’ compensation coverage. This means we have had more than 25% fewer incidents and lost working hours than industry actuaries would anticipate for our line of work. Obviously, this is better for our employees and the company as a whole, because it means our training programs and safety protocols are working, and of course, the financial benefits are welcome as well. However, this means a lot more than just a bump in the bottom line to us at Calvac Paving.

An Ex-Mod score of 100 is considered “average,” while an Ex-Mod of 125 would be “high-risk.” Employers with an Ex-Mod of 100 pay the full premium for their worker’s compensation insurance, while a high-risk employer would pay the full premium plus 25%. This metric means our employees are more likely to practice sound safety on the job site, while in transit and at the yard, increasing the odds they will all get home to their loved ones in the same condition they left for work. This, in turn, allows clients to accept our job bids with confidence that they will receive consistently excellent work, produced with safety uppermost in mind at all times.

Calvac’s safety program includes:

  • Up-to-date training on the latest OSHA and DOSH policies, procedures and protocols
  • First aid training including CPR
  • Hazard identification and mitigation
  • Workplace and job site safety and loss prevention
  • IIPP and Early Return to Work programs which allow injured employees to return to work on modified duty while remaining in compliance with healthcare provider recommendations and directives

Our insurance brokers have stated in the past that Calvac’s safety initiatives have been so successful, we are setting the standard for how safety training and associated loss prevention ought to be carried out. As we take a great deal of pride in being the benchmark for excellence in every facet of our operations, this is always welcome feedback.

The principals and management of Calvac Paving are very proud to once more be able to prove we are among the best in the construction industry at what we do. Our emphasis on proactive safety training and implementation means our employees have more productive days with a lower risk of injury, allowing them to perform at their best at work and in their personal lives. We are also pleased that our clients get to reap the benefits of our training in terms of increased production and reasonable budgets, with less potential for damaging incidents.

Construction is not an easy field in which to balance safety with productivity. However, we at Calvac are proud to show it’s not just possible; for us, it’s just the way we do our jobs, every time, every day. We look forward to continuing to prove our commitment to safety and a task done well for many years to come, working to keep our employees, clients and the general public safe as we go.

Contact Calvac Paving Today for your paving needs.


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