When Searching Online For Asphalt Repair Near Me

Calvac Paving is Top Quality, On-Schedule and On Budget.

Calvac Paving Truck in San Jose Bay Area

Calvac Paving isn’t just limited to neighborhood residential and small, local commercial projects like “mom and pop” stores either. 

We work with many local jurisdictions, as well as on federal projects like major interstate highway construction and repairs, plus roadways, flight lines, and other paving for military bases and airports. Our capabilities have made us one of the most respected asphalt and concrete paving contractors in NorCal for nearly 50 years. 

The pavement repairs we’ve overseen often outperform the expected material limits, with an immediate improvement in comfort and safety that demonstrates a great return on investment and improves investor relations at a reasonable price which most asphalt repair contractors near me can’t match.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your local driveway resurfacing contractor of choice, seeking pavement maintenance and pothole repair for a shopping center parking lot, or need pavement repair on an interstate highway, Calvac Paving is the only asphalt repair company you want working on your blacktop repair project. For more details or to arrange for estimates, please click here to contact Calvac Paving. And to find out more information about asphalt paving near me, keep reading for our answers to frequently asked questions from homeowners and contractors just like you!  

Frequently Asked Questions about Asphalt Repair Near Me

Calvac Paving is your Bay Area asphalt repair company for all your questions and answers about getting your pavement repaired the right way with lower repair costs and greater performance for years to come!  

Question: How Much Do Asphalt Repairs Cost? –Nicholas, Santa Clara, CA

Answer: Most cost guides put the asphalt driveway cost at between $0.75-$2.00 per square foot, and about $40-$80 per ton, depending on the location, accessibility, job size, and similar factors. From this math, you can figure a ton of asphalt will cover anywhere from 40-100 square feet. An asphalt driveway repair and complete redo on an area of 20×25 square feet (500sq.ft. total) may require anywhere from 5-11.5 tons or more, depending on the intended depth of the mat for the blacktop driveway, the size of the aggregate (rock) in the matrix, and the price of crude oil at the time the asphalt is ordered. However, what the guide won’t tell you is the linear footage you have to cover, which is determined on a per-case basis. This calculation doesn’t factor in related cost points, such as whether you need to bring in processed soil (Type II) to compact into place for your aggregate base course before placing the asphalt. For a roadway, the math is a little different, and a sidewalk changes the equation yet again. A roadway or parking lot may be significantly cheaper per ton of asphalt than a spot repair on a sidewalk or a driveway repair at a house out in the sticks. Whatever the job type, when you contact the paving company nearest you for an estimate, they should be able to help you filter all these factors so you can feel confident that you’re getting a fair price for the work you need.  


Question: Why Do I Need To Worry About Repaired Asphalt Anyway? –Billie, San Jose, CA

Answer: There are a lot of very good reasons you may need or want paving repairs, resurfacing, or a complete tear-out and rebuild. If you’ve got widely varying heights between areas of asphalt, especially if you notice significantly lower spots forming, this could be a sign of water infiltration washing away the fine aggregates in the base course under the asphalt, which could lead to potholing and major safety issues such as trip and fall injury risks that you or your company could be liable for. If you notice significant cracking or warping, you may be getting traffic on your pavement that’s too heavy for the asphalt mix to withstand, such as parking loaded semis on residential driveways. This could also be a sign of tree roots working their way to the surface and cracking through the asphalt in search of nutrients, which is really hard on both concrete and asphalt paving. In some cases, the application of sealant can help manage cracking and prevent it from getting worse, especially if it’s set early enough in the crack development process. These are all valid reasons to consider getting standard or infrared repair for your paving as soon as possible, depending on the size, type, and severity of the damage, including appearance, curb appeal, and shielding yourself from unnecessary liability claims. But did you know that keeping your paving in good condition is also a great weed control measure? It’s true! If the seeds of weeds can’t reach the open air, with its water and sunlight, they can’t grow. Whether you’re a die-hard horticulturist or perfected the art of the brown thumb, this will help keep your property and your paving looking and performing better for years to come.     

Question: How Do I Screen The Results When I Look Up Contractors Who Do Asphalt Repair Near Me? –Beaujolais, San Francisco, CA

Answer: Reputable paving brands in the Bay Area know that having a great online marketing game is only half the equation. Fast response, efficient methodology, and great results make up the other half. You can sometimes get a sense of what a contractor’s like online from the stories reviewers tell about them, but these should be taken with a grain (or, in some cases, a whole shaker) of salt. It’s human nature to only focus on the unpleasant parts of an interaction, even if the result came out fine in the end, and it’s simply not realistic to please everyone all the time. Because of this, it’s important to remember that every “bad” story has three sides: What the person telling it says happened, how the other party saw it, and what really happened.

A paving company whose policy and work ethic favors customer service, efficiency, and a great project resolution will typically have better reviews than one that doesn’t. 

However, they also typically have longevity on their side. It’s rare for a contractor who doesn’t routinely do excellent work to last a decade in this business, let alone FIVE decades, as Calvac Paving has. If they sell a solid range of services, that’s also a good indicator that you can trust them to be knowledgeable about a wide range of paving-related issues and how to resolve them economically. It doesn’t do you any good to have asphalt repair near me only minutes away if they’re not going to do a good job for you, your customers, and the public. That’s why, when you’re deciding which paving contractor to trust for your pavement repair project, if you want the guaranteed best results, you should contact Calvac Paving as your first and last call!  

Question: We Just Bought A New House In Harrisburg, And We’re Looking For A Driveway Repair Near Me. Can Calvac Paving Help? –Saint Croix, Harrisburg, CA

Answer: Calvac Paving is considering expanding our paving job offerings to include residential driveway work. We don’t normally do that sort of small-scale work as of the time of this writing, but we’d like to encourage you to be sure to check back often as this may change. Thanks for keeping us in mind for your asphalt repair needs, and be sure to contact us for the latest menu of residential and commercial paving repair services!  


Question: How Can I Tell If My Chosen Company For Asphalt Repair Near Me Is Doing A Good Job? –Clovis, Oakland, CA

Answer: Sometimes, it’s not always obvious to a layperson’s eyes if the contractor is up to the job. However, there are a few ways you can tell easily whether your contractor is giving you great work or a big runaround!

Your paving repair company doesn’t explain the jargon they’re using.

They may talk about warping, raveling, cracking, alligatoring, or undercutting, all of which are legitimate paving problems that have distinct causes and specific solutions. But when you ask what these terms mean, they give you a vague answer, tell you to check out their company website, or just wave at the area in question and say, “That.” A reputable paving contractor has a vested interest in educating its clientele about the various problems that can occur with paving, why they happen, and what you can do to help prevent them—after all, it’s their reputation on the line if their work doesn’t hold up under the strain of traffic, seasons, and years!

They Don’t Try To Work With Your Schedule And The Needs Of Your Business.

Sometimes a section or even an entire parking area or lane of the roadway may have to be closed off for paving work to proceed. A reputable paving contractor will do everything they can to balance efficiency and safety with getting the job done in a way that doesn’t have an undue impact on your business or customers, but sometimes this can’t be avoided. When it is necessary, your paving contractor will work with you as best they can to make sure that the work is done as quickly as possible while guaranteeing the ideal outcome for your project.

They riff off a figure for paving repair—and then change their estimate in the middle of the job.

Sometimes, of course, this can’t be helped either. The cost of crude oil is one of the major components in pricing asphalt. If crude oil prices shoot through the ceiling between the project’s bidding stage and the middle of the construction or asphalt repairs, then obviously, the price of the project may have to increase as well. However, a reputable contractor will do everything they can to provide a bid that accounts for these unknowns and builds a reasonable cushion into their pavement repair cost estimates. Calvac Paving is known for rarely having to submit a change order during construction—and on the rare occasion we do, it’s almost certainly due to circumstances beyond our control, such as a delay in local permitting or similar issues which hold up the project. As you can see, there are a few red flags you should look for when deciding on a company to execute paving repair near me. Or you can save yourself the headaches and the risk altogether and just contact Calvac Paving in the first place! Our dedicated team of trained, skilled, experienced paving professionals has all the tools, knowledge, and capabilities to manage your asphalt and concrete paving repairs in a way that’s on point, on time, and on budget.

To find out more about Calvac Paving’s suite of asphalt repair services, please click here to contact us today!

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